Who Do You Say I Am?


In Matthew ‘s Gospel 16.15-16, Jesus asks his apostles, “Who do you say I am?”

Peter replies, “ You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”

Then Jesus answers, “Blessed are you Simon, son of Jonah! For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you but my Father in Heaven.”

This got me to thinking whom do people say that I am and what do they base that opinion on? Do they base their opinion on my physical appearance, the way I dress and my occupation or what I say?

I believe that people’s opinions of others should be based on none of the above but through them actually building a relationship with others. Then they can form an opinion. However what will that opinion be based on?

Will it be on their view of life being similar to their own? They dress the same or share the have comparable interests? But what happens when relationships with others, family, friends or work colleagues contrast with your own? Can you overcome the challenge, refrain from judgement and see their point of view?

Furthermore the onus is on the individual to accept others interests, use language that is constructive and affirming and only challenge when it creates a positive outcome for themselves and others.

For me the model is Jesus whose teachings and miracles were always centered on everyone leading more productive lives. Lives that impact positively on everyone they encounter. I hope people can say that about me.

Next time someone asks you for your opinion of something or someone… ask yourself…. For what am I basing this opinion on?

After you’ve ask yourself this…. Then rethink your answer!!!!!


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