Be Watchful & Be Alert

In Mark 13:33, Jesus said to his disciples, “Be watchful! Be alert!”

I think Jesus is asking wherever I am or whatever I do it is always important to be ready for the unforeseen circumstances that may occur. Hence, the need for an open mindset that requires flexibility so I can react appropriately to the matter at hand.

Therefore, this allows me to make the choices according to God’s will. Thus, I am making decisions with purpose and meaning and not reacting straight away without thinking it out and listening to the voices around me. How many times do we wish we could take our actions and words back. Moreover, the friction we have in our relationships can be easily avoided.

Furthermore, being proactive is a great way of dealing with conflict and resolution. By not burying our head in the sand but being aware of challenging situations that arise we can dismantle the tensions that may boil over. Additionally, we creating positive outcomes for all parties involved instead of a fractured atmosphere that lingers on.

So, when we are watchful and alert we are being transparent, listening, pre-emptive and taking time to reflect on our words and actions where solutions can be achieved without repercussions that jeopardize relationships. Hence, in peace and harmony with the world.

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