A Leap of Faith leads to fulfilling a Need

In Luke, 18:35-43 we have the story of the Blind Beggar who despite being asked by the crowd to be quiet persists in calling out to Jesus to ask for mercy.

“Son of David have mercy on me.” Luke, 18:39.

The inspiration I gain from the narrative of “Jesus heals a Blind Beggar near Jericho” is not only the courage and persistence of the blind beggar to ask for a healing but also Jesus despite his busyness displayed a willingness to help.

So, how does the blind beggar motivate me in my life? Well he seizes the opportunity. I wonder how many times in my life have I regretted not taking the opportunities I have been offered. When I think back, I hid behind the excuses of it wasn’t for me, not the right time or just I am happy at the moment. God is asking us to be courageous people not risk aversive.

Such a person was Jesus. Now Jesus could have ignored the voice and went on his way but instead he wanted to know who was crying out to him. Jesus asked him, “What do you want me to do for you?” To which the blind beggar asks, “Lord let me see you again.” Luke, 18:42. Immediately, Jesus responds, “Receive your sight your faith has saved you.” Luke, 18:43. Therefore, Jesus saw a need and acted upon it because he had the capacity to help. Thus, Jesus challenges me not to walk past situations but to lend assistance wherever possible.

Ultimately, I continue Christ’s mission giving of my time and energy to assist others in their lives. Furthermore, to act when offered the chance  and to give guidance to others when I can. Maybe in those situations I am actually stirring the faith of others and bringing them closer to God.

Giving All

In Mark 12:41-44 Jesus tells the story of a poor widow that puts all the money she has to live on into the Church treasury. When I read this story, I continually reflect on why did the poor widow contribute so selflessly?

My reflection begins with trying to define the character traits of the widow through her generous act. Firstly, I believe her kind act demonstrates humility. A modesty that exhibits that by giving all her money she is focussed on contributing to Jesus’ mission and doing God’s will. Hence, the widow’s action causes me to reflect on how often I fail to let go of what is important which compromises my desire to act selflessly.

Secondly, the widow trusts in the process because of utmost belief that God will provide. Her faith is so unswerving that she does not question God’s providence. How often do I allow doubts to creep into my mind when circumstances force me into positions that take me out of my comfort zone? Sometimes when faced with such dilemmas I react instinctively instead of taking a step back and seeking God’s assistance.

Finally, I believe we can all learn from the widow’s strong faith. Her generosity of heart gives her a freedom and happiness that allows her to put in the two copper coins without hesitation not thinking about the hardship that they may cause to her quality of life. For me it is the constant struggle of finding a balance between the material and the spiritual needs in my life. However, I am continually inspired by the poor widow to give all I have to support others through my words and actions. Furthermore, she models a faith that trusts in God in all situations without wavering a character strength that I must continue to develop daily.