In Mark 6:1-6 Jesus returns to his home town of Nazareth. However, his teachings despite their wisdom were rejected by the local people. So, why did they take offence at Jesus?
Firstly, the people still saw him as Joseph the carpenter’s son rather than a prophet, teacher and miracle worker. “Is not this the carpenter, the Son of Mary.” Mark 6:3. I was reflecting on this situation and if Jesus suddenly produced incredible football skills would he be so unfairly maligned? Maybe, what Jesus was offering was challenging whereas a football player doesn’t challenge someone to change their lives.
Secondly, the fact that Jesus was calling for change would mean that people would have been taken out of their comfort zone. Perhaps that was why they were riled up who is this carpenter’s son telling us how to live their lives. Additionally, people find change hard to embrace particularly if it requires self-sacrifice. I know it is a daily battle for me to try and live the Gospel values and continually do what I must do than I want to do.
Finally, was Jesus being judged for who he was rather than what he had become. I know I wouldn’t want to be judged for what I was like as a younger person compared to adulthood. Through greater life experiences you gain infinitely more wisdom than you have as a younger person. How many times does a voice in your head say if I only knew then what I know now? Thus, like Jesus we need to move on and look forward, ignoring the opinions of others as it can only cloud our judgement in doing what is right for others even if it comes at a cost.