Have Faith

Sometimes our faith is tested due to the circumstances we find ourselves in. Circumstances that we can’t change but we feel conspire against us to make our lives difficult. An example of this is shown in Matthew 15: 23-28 the Canaanite Woman’s faith.

In the Gospel the disciples urged Jesus to send the woman away because she was not a Jew. However Jesus spoke to her and healed her daughter because of her faith in Jesus’s healing power and Jesus as a person.

There are two important things to take from that scripture. Firstly, never give up despite the circumstances and obstacles that we feel are placed in our way.

Secondly when forced into circumstances we have to put our trust in others and in God because we can’t solve every problem or control every situation ourselves.

I believe it is only when you view things differently that change can happen as situations and people are viewed from a whole new perspective.


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