How many times do we think we are right and everybody else is wrong?
We can even justify our actions and attack those who don’t accept our point of view. I often reflect after having a difference of opinion with others was it because I was thinking of my own agenda and what outcome would benefit me or would achieve the best outcome for all.
In the “Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector”, (Luke 18:9-14) the Pharisee boasts about how he serves God of how honest and generous he is to the poor and the Church. Contrastingly the Tax Collector asks God for mercy for he accepts he is a sinner and sometimes fails to do the right thing by himself and others. Hence I believe he is the more honest one as he acknowledges and seeks forgiveness for his faults rather than laud his successes.
Furthermore this parable is more than just about humility I believe it is about how we deal with the situations and people that challenge you and the way you overcome them. The Pharisee centred on himself and his achievements while the Tax Collector did not play the blame game but was aware that he needed God’s help to become a better person so that he could make a difference in the lives of other. For me this is a battle I face every day.