Being Transformed

What does being transformed mean? Transformed is defined as changing something dramatically.

 In this weeks Gospel, Matthew 17:1-9, Jesus’ face shines like the sun and clothes turn dazzling white. Shortly after a bright cloud overshadows the disciples and a voice speaks, 

“This is my Son, the Beloved, with Him I am well pleased, listen to him!

Certainly a dramatic turn of events from a simple walk up a mountain to actually seeing Jesus as a shining light and hearing the voice of God.

When I reflect on the story of the Transfiguration I relate strongly to how this scripture passage assists me in my own understanding of the faith journey. Hence, the dazzling light of Jesus provides guidance in my life through his teachings in the Gospel. Furthermore, the teachings always challenge my thinking and actions in every experience I encounter. The most important thing to me is that I learn from my actions and can react to the unexpected in a genuine welcoming friendly way that is positive to all parties concerned.

Ultimately, were my responses those with which God would be well pleased?




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