Accepting the Invitation

In Matthew 22:2-3 Jesus says “The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king who gave a wedding feast for his son. And he sent out his slaves to call those who had been invited to the wedding feast, and they were unwilling to come.”  So, the question I pose is how can we partake in the Wedding Feast in the kingdom of heaven rather than declining to be part of Jesus’ mission?

Too often I can claim to have other things I need to do rather than giving up my time to proclaim the Gospel to others. That is why it is important to find a life balance.  For me it is a matter of prioritizing what is important in my life and how that affects not only my relationship with others but my relationship with God. Thus, it is essential that I make the time to fit everything in.

Moreover, I would argue that to find this equilibrium I need to be proactive in relationships. That is giving quality time to my family and friends therefore witnessing the gospel values through positive interactions. Furthermore, this is evident through my dialogue and active listening that will ensure this is an enjoyable experience for all parties. Additionally, for that life balance it is making time for my passions, that enables me to release the pressure from my study and work and is special to me. However, a word of warning it is important that my interests don’t override my relationships with God and others.

This brings me to my final point that is for my life to be productive I need to make time for reflection. This is a period where I can reflect on my experiences, relationships and devote myself to prayer, or go to a mass celebration and share my thoughts with God. I think it helps me towards a perfect life balance of spiritual, social an emotional necessity. These translate into positive relationships with God and others whom I encounter daily. Besides, it enhances my experiences and well -being which enables me to proclaim the Gospel through my personal witness. Likewise, it gives me the opportunity to ensure I am ready to accept the invitation to wedding feast in the kingdom of heaven.

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