Made In The Image of God

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“Human Beings are interconnected with all species and life systems on our planet. Every one of us created in the Image of God.”

 At the start of the year was our beginning of the year assembly. From our Welcome, the Kaurna Acknowledgement, the National Anthem, the Pope’s Mercy Prayer, the announcing of our leaders and new teachers to the presentation of the Lunar New Year was a great showcase of Holy Family ‘s cultural diversity.

I believe diversity was God’s plan for each one of us. Not only in our physical appearance but in the way we think.

Saint Bonaventure says, “When God freely choses to create the fruitfulness of Trinitarian life finds wonderful expression in the diversity of creatures. Each creature is a self expression of the Trinity.”

I often think that if God’s image wasn’t diverse then we would all look and think the same. For I believe that it is in diversity that we learn about different cultures, foods, languages, arts and sports.

As Belden Lane says, “we affirm, accept and celebrate the difference and thrive on the diversity.”

Most importantly we appreciate the beauty and creativity of God in every person we meet and in the environment we live in..

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