Why did Jesus choose the desert to confront temptation is the question I would like to reflect on today?
After 40 days and nights he was surely at his most vulnerable and he did not to succumb but demonstrated great mental strength as an inspiration to us all in this period of Lent.
The desert symbolizes for us not only life’s struggle as Jesus overcomes the harsh climatic conditions of the desert but also a time of reflection on the way we can balance our life and keep moving forward positively.
The three notable passages of scripture that I would reflect on and how it relates to my own life during Lent are:
“One does not live by bread alone.” Luke 4:4
Jesus states that we need to continue to hunger for God despite the difficulties we face or choices we have that provide satisfaction for only a short time. The challenge for me is to think before I act and not eat so much chocolate.
“Worship the Lord your God and serve him only.” Luke 4:8
Jesus asks us to serve God by serving others. The challenge for me is not just to serve but to have a purpose that becomes sustainable process for those I serve not just a rescue mission.
“Do not put the Lord your God to the test ”Luke 4:12
Jesus invites us to allow God in our lives and request through prayer God’s help and not try to do everything ourselves.The challenge for me is to ask for help or ask different people to help me.
All three of these challenges continue to occur regularly in our lifelong faith journey.